Keep up to date with an online view of our Parent Handbook

(please print out a copy of the Agreement page if you have not done so already before enrolling)

Our parent handbook is a valuable resource designed to provide you with essential information about Lion Academy. It outlines our philosophy, policies, procedures, and expectations. By taking the time to read through the handbook, you'll gain a better understanding of our program and how you can partner with us to support your child's growth and development. We encourage you to review the handbook carefully and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.


Lion Academy Child Development Center is a full-time childcare and early  

education center with well-planned and structured Christian preschool programs. The center operates on a year-round schedule, serving children aged two months through the end of their fifth-grade year.  


Lion Academy exists to provide high-quality, developmentally appropriate childcare with a Christian emphasis within the community. We endeavor to Provide a safe and loving place for children to grow academically, spiritually, and physically. 


To provide children with an opportunity to grow and learn in a nurturing, Christian environment. As a vital part of our community, Lion Academy is both a service and a ministry. Our learning environments promote fun, exploration, discovery, and security while following developmentally appropriate guidelines. Lifelong Learners become Lifelong Leaders.  


Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM 

Late Pick-Ups: You will be charged $5.00 for the first minute and $1.00  

for each additional minute that your child is in the center  

beyond the 6:00 PM closing time.  

Children’s Age Range: 8 Weeks – 11 Years 

Class Divisions: Infants (8 Weeks – 12 Months) 

Toddlers (12 – 24 Months) 

2-Year-Old Class 

Preschool (3 and 4 years old) 

Pre-Kindergarten (4 and 5 years old)


New Year’s Day 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day  

President's Day 

Spring Parent Teacher Conferences (12:30 closure) 

Good Friday 

Memorial Day 

July 4th and 24th 

Labor Day 

TBA Fall and Spring Parent Teacher Conferences (12:30 closure) 

Thanksgiving and the Day After 

Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the week between New  

Year’s (This is a Christmas gift to our staff) 


Infants (under 24 months) 1:4 (class size 7) 

Two-Year-Olds 1:7 (class size 12) 

Three-Year-Olds 1:12 (class size 12) 

Four-Year-Olds 1:15 (class size 20) 

Five-Year-Olds and Up 1:20 (class size 35) 

The class your child is in is determined according to the Granite School District birthday deadline of September 1st. We aim to have your child grouped with the children they will enter school with. Children will transition classrooms once per year, every June. Tuition rates are based on your child’s classroom, not their age. 


1. Tuition is payable either every month by default (the 1st of each month) or on a bimonthly basis (the 1st and 15th of each month). Payment schedules must be prearranged with the Director. 

2. Tuition not received by the 10th will receive an automatic late fee of $25. Tuition still unpaid by the 20th will receive an additional $25 late fee. Unpaid tuition may result in  

suspension of childcare services. 

3. A $35.00 fee will be charged for any payment transactions that are returned unpaid. 4. All payments are processed through the ProCare app. 

5. There will be a 3% fee for any credit or debit card payments. 

6. Full-time tuition pays for your child to attend Lion Academy for up to 45 hours per week. Any children using over 45 hours per week will be charged $4.00 for every 15 additional minutes or $16.00 per hour. 

7. There will be a small tuition increase (5-8%) that occurs in January each year to account for rising supply costs and cost-of-living wage increases for our staff. 

8. The Financial Agreement Contract, which must be signed upon enrollment, details the above and all other policies regarding payment. It also informs the parents that they are responsible for any costs incurred. 

9.We require at least 30 days notice if you wish to discontinue your child's enrollment with Lion Academy. Failure to give 30 days' notice will result in a full month's tuition charge regardless.

Tuition Rates 

Registration fee: $100.00 per child 

Materials and Supplies fee: $100.00 per child billed bi-annually in March and  


Full-Time Tuition: Infants/Toddlers $ 1,200/month 

Part-time is not offered  

Two’s $ 1,000/month 

Part-time 25 hours per week $800 Limited availability 

Three years old, $890 per month 

Part-time Threes 25 hours per week $690.00 

Four and Five-year-olds $780 

Part-time Four and Fives 25 hr. per week $580 

Pre-School Only 3 hours 4 days a week $350  

Part-time not available  

Daily $ 70 for two years and up  


Lion Academy uses an automated payment processing system called ProCare to: 

Process tuition each month. It allows us to process payments safely; this system allows you to pay tuition and fees in one of two ways: 

1. Signing up for recurring automatic bank-to-bank transactions. 

2. Signing up for recurring automatic credit or debit card payments:  

*Payments will be processed the following Monday if the first falls on a weekend. If payments are scheduled bi-monthly, and tuition will be processed in equal parts on the 1st and 15th of each month 

Payment receipts/statements will be emailed to the addresses on file after payments are processed.  


1. All parents/guardians must sign children in and out on the computer daily.  

2. Children must be within arm’s reach when walking to and from the classroom and parking lot. Parents are solely responsible for their children when the parent/guardian is on Lion Academy/Southeast Christian Church property.  

3. Parents/guardians must provide lunches (and snacks for toddlers) each day.  

4. Each classroom has a communication board. Please check it regularly.  

6. Messages to staff may be sent directly through ProCare. Please remember  

that staff members are working and may not be able to respond to messages right away. If urgent, please call the office to speak with the directors or your  

student’s teacher.

7. All bedding must be taken home at the end of the week to be washed. 

Supplies to be brought from home: 


Please label all items  

• Diapers and Wipes 

• Change of Clothes 

• Bottles/Formula, Juice, Milk, etc. 

• Baby Food  

• Pacifiers/Comfort Items  

• Two Crib Sheets  

• Sleep Sack 


Please label all items  

• Diapers and Wipes  

• Change of Clothes 

• Lunch/Bottles 

• Pacifiers/Comfort Items  

• Port-a-Crib Sheet 

• Blanket and Mat Cover


Twos and Preschool 

Please label all items

• Diapers/Pull-ups and Wipes (if not potty trained) 

• Lunch 

• Two Full Changes of Clothes 

• Blanket and Crib-Size Sheet 

• Stuffed Animals for Rest Time if Desired 


Please label all items 

• Lunch 

• Blanket and Sheet (Toddler Bed Size) or Nap Roll  

• Change of Clothes  

The staff will communicate when your child needs more supplies or when special supplies are needed. Please make sure that your child has enough supplies to last 48 hours in the event of an emergency. 

If your child does not have needed supplies, Lion Academy will provide items at a charge of $5.00 per item. (Ex: $5.00 per diaper or jar of food.) This will be added to your monthly tuition charges. 


Lion Academy supports mothers who breastfeed their infants and the practice of using pumped breast milk. Lion Academy has a private room with a locked door for mothers wanting to breastfeed their infants.  



Please provide a complete list of your child’s allergies on their health assessment and notify the office and teaching staff. A center-wide allergy list will be posted in every classroom. Allergy medications and Epi-Pens should be left with office staff with a signed medication release form. 

Special Needs 

Lion Academy will make reasonable accommodations for special needs children. Children will be accepted on an individual basis. Our staff has basic training in various special needs and will work with families to create an individual education plan for children in need. 



If the child has had symptoms of illness within the past 24 hours, looks ill, or has a fever, the child will not be allowed in the center. If a child shows any of the following symptoms, the child will be given any immediate care that we can provide and the child’s parent or guardian will be contacted to take them home: 

• Fever of 100.4+ degrees 

• Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain 

• Diarrhea (frequent, loose, watery stools) 

• Unusual drowsiness or tiredness 

• A sore throat, acute cold, or a persistent cough 

• Red, inflamed, or discharging eyes 


• Swollen glands around jaws, ears, or neck 

• Suspected impetigo or head or body lice 

• Any skin sore oozing fluid or pus  

• Chickenpox 

• Any other symptoms where the child is not well enough to engage in the group. We ask that parents/guardians pick up sick children within the hour. If parents/guardians cannot be reached or do not come within that time frame, we will reach out to the emergency contacts.  

If your child demonstrates any of the above symptoms, please keep them at home. If your child is diagnosed as a carrier of infectious disease, report this to the Director as soon as possible. 

Sick children will be excluded from care for the following day and 24 hours after symptoms resolve (Ex, A child is sent home sick on Tuesday. They will be excluded  

from care on Wednesday. If they have been 24 hours symptom-free and without fever medication on Thursday morning, they may return). Otherwise, the child must be symptom-free for 24  


Medication Administration 

Staff members may administer medication if a medication form is filled out in full and the medication is used to treat a current condition. Medication will not be kept for ongoing periods of time or incidentals. The prescription needs to be in the child’s name. All medication must be hand-delivered to office staff. Any medication brought to the center must include the following: 

1. Be labeled with the child's full name 

2. Kept in the original or pharmacy container (for inhalers- the original box the  

inhaler came in) 

3. Have the original label (for inhalers- the original pharmacy label on a box) 

4. Have child-safety caps 

Any medication not handed directly to office staff may be grounds to terminate the child’s enrollment. Please DO NOT send medicine to the center in lunches,  

backpacks, or in your child’s cubby. We must be very strict regarding medicine to ensure the safety of all children. 


As a full-day, year-round childcare center, we understand that all families have different schedules and that your schedule may change occasionally. Generally, we ask  

families to give administrators and teachers a general idea of daily schedules. If there will be changes in regular routines, please let your child’s teacher know. However, we ask that all children arrive before 12:00 pm each day unless pre-approved by the director for special circumstances. Full-time tuition pays your child to attend up to 45 hours per  

week. Any children using over 45 hours per week will be charged $4.00 for every 15 additional minutes or $16.00 per hour. 

We require at least 30 days notice if you wish to discontinue your child's enrollment with Lion Academy. Failure to give 30 days' notice will result in a full month's tuition charge regardless.

Attendance Tracking 

All parents and authorized individuals must clock children in and out of the center on our computer. This is a licensing rule from the state. It also gives us a digital record of  

all children in attendance each day and helps us to track attendance times. Our digital data must be current and correct.  

Authorized Drop-off and Pick-Up 

When dropping off a child at the center: 

• An adult must walk the child to his or her classroom 

• Ensure the teacher knows the child has arrived 

• Clock child into the center on the computer 

A child may only be taken from the center by the following: 

1. Parents or legal guardians: The child must be clocked out on the computer. 

2. Authorized adults: Parents may authorize any adult to pick up their children  

by adding them to our pick-up form. In an emergency, a parent may call the  

center and arrange pick-up.  

3. Emergency transport or evacuation 

Any authorized adult must present a photo ID when picking up a child. Staff will send any unrecognized adult to the office for identification. 


Please call the center if your child will be absent or if you will be coming in late. This will assist us in staffing for the day and ensure the child is safe and accounted for. 

Late Pick-Up 

You will be charged $5.00 for the first minute and $1.00 for each additional minute your child(ren) is in the center beyond the 6:00 pm closing time. Please call the school the same policy is in place for pre-school pick-up at 12:00 pm  before closing to announce you will be late. Excessive tardiness may result in termination of services. 

Snow Days and/or Disasters 

Lion Academy will close the center or alter hours if necessary due to weather or disaster. If possible, we will announce a late start the night before. Closures will be announced via email on ProCare. When possible, Lion Academy will send a mass text to parents in the event of an emergency closing. Refunds or credits will not be issued for these events. 


Staff members are required to maintain First Aid/CPR training. 911 will be called for any severe accident or illness. The Director will attempt to notify parents (or emergency contacts if parents are unreachable). If necessary, the child will be transported to the nearest hospital for treatment. Lion Academy carries liability insurance. However, all medical bills incurred in the event of an accident will need to be paid by your primary medical insurance and/or the parents. 


Snacks and Lunches 

Lion Academy provides morning and afternoon snacks. Each parent is required to provide lunch for their child following these guidelines: 

1. Lunch must be in a lunchbox-type container, labeled with your child’s first and last name.  

2. For infants and toddlers: If formula or other food items are prepared at home, please indicate the date and time of preparation on the bottle or container. 

3. Lion Academy does not provide breakfast. Children are required to eat breakfast at home. Please do not bring breakfast to the center. 

4. If your child is on a special diet, please include detailed instructions. 


Please dress your child appropriately. Consideration must be given to the weather and outside conditions when selecting your child’s clothing.  

1. On cool days in the spring or fall, please provide a lightweight jacket or sweater for outdoor play.  

2. On specified days in the summer, you may be asked to provide swimming suits and towels for water play.  

3. Please have your child wear clothing items that are easy to unbutton or unbuckle. This encourages independence and may prevent a toileting accident. 

4. Each article of clothing your child wears to Lion Academy should be marked with your child’s name. 

5. Each child is required to have an extra set of clothing at school in case of accidents. This should include a shirt, pants/skirt, underwear, and socks.


Children age four and younger will be offered a time each day to nap or rest. Children who do not fall asleep (non-nappers) will be required to rest quietly for 30 minutes. After the rest, they will be offered quiet activities, such as folder learning games, writing skill pages, art, etc.  


Children will be redirected and encouraged to make good choices. 

Children will be treated with respect and compassion.  

Children may be directed to a calm-down, cozy corner.  

You may read Our Behavior and discipline police in detail under the Discipline tab Lion Academy’s discipline measures shall NOT include the following: 

• Any form of corporal punishment such as:  

o Hitting, spanking, shaking, biting, pinching  

o Any other measure that produces physical pain or discomfort 

• Restraining a child’s movements by binding, tying, or any other form of restraint other than gently holding a child who may be a danger to himself or others.  


Inappropriate behavior may cause the risk of harm to the emotional and physical health and/or the safety of other children or staff. For example, a physical assault that may result in bodily injury, an attempted physical assault which, if completed, would result in bodily injury, emotional threats, bringing weapons to the center, damage to real or personal property, etc. 

Lion Academy may permanently remove any child or family member from the program whose behavior creates a risk of harm to the health and/or safety of others or themselves. It is expected that all families act as a team and support one another. Should  

behavior problems arise at the center, families are expected to support action plans for the  

student (as outlined in the behavior expectations in our discipline booklet). If families cannot support the action plans, this may cause disenrollment. 

If a family member and/or parent is jeopardizing the well-being of the program or has behaved in a manner that has been interpreted as inappropriate, unprofessional, or unkind, the family will be expelled from the program. The expulsion will be immediate and without notice. This right will be held by the program administration at all times, and tuition credits will not be given. 

We require at least 30 days notice if you wish to discontinue your child's enrollment with Lion Academy. Failure to give 30 days' notice will result in a full month's tuition charge regardless.



Communication with Families 

We strive to keep families as well-informed as possible. Communication  

happens through the following means: 

• Lead Teachers are responsible for sending weekly emails to each family enrolled in the class. Emails will include lesson plans, information about upcoming events or current happenings, and individual notes to families about how their child is doing. Please make sure we have your current email address. 

• Each classroom will use the “ProCare” app. Please download this app to your phone  

• For infants, toddlers, and twos, the child’s day is documented, and their daily report is available on the ProCare app.  

• Parents of children in older classrooms may also request daily updates for their child if needed to track special needs. 

• If parents have questions or concerns, please email your child’s teacher on the ProCare App, or you may call or email the office.  

Parent Teacher Conferences 

For students aged two and older, your child’s teacher will hold two parent-teacher conferences during the year. The first will be in the fall and the second in the spring. The center will close at 12:30 on these days to accommodate these meetings. Parents are required to attend their child’s conference. If you cannot attend, you may request a video conference, though we strongly encourage a face-to-face conference.  

Outside Services 

Due to liability issues, we do not allow our staff to provide childcare, professional services, 

or personal favors of any kind outside of the center. The staff is also prohibited from personal involvement for 18 months after employment termination. Please do not ask our staff to compromise their professional ethics.  


Personal Belongings 

Our center provides many fun and educational toys for the children. Toys should not be brought to the center unless they are for show-and-tell. 

Each child in our center has a cubby for personal items. Please be sure these items are marked with your child’s name to reduce the possibility of loss or confusion.  

Lion Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We appreciate your cooperation. 

Birthday Celebrations 

We encourage celebrating important events in each child’s life, including birthdays. Please feel free to provide cookies, ice cream, pizza, etc. Please note that the Utah Department of Health prohibits homemade treats or food in childcare settings.  

Please bring only store-bought treats. If you include party favors, make sure they are age-appropriate and free of choking hazards.  

Media: Movies, Video Games, and Electronics 

TV and screen time are used sparingly in the center and never for children under the age of  

2. All content must comply with our mission as a Christian organization and be preapproved by the Director/Designee. We allow G or PG movies and age-appropriate games.  

We will not allow any media with violent or scary content. We also do not allow children to bring electronics, games, tablets, cell phones, etc., unless it is for a special event. Please  

leave these items at home. Children and teachers can always be reached using the ProCare app or by calling the Director. 


Field Trips 

The four-year-old Pre-Kindergarten class and Kindergarten class may take field trips to expand the learning environment of the classroom.  

The following limitations apply to all field trips: 

1. Each child will have a seat belt restraint or car seat. 

2. The children will not be transported in an open vehicle.  

3. The doors of the vehicle will be locked during transportation time.  

4. Each driver must possess a Utah driver’s license and proof of insurance.  

5. Each vehicle will carry a first aid kit and a list of emergency contacts.  

6. Children will not be left unattended in the vehicle.  

7. Children will have a tag or shirt with the center's name and phone number on it (not the child’s name).  

8. Children will be counted before leaving, continually during the trip, and again before returning to the center. 

9. At least one teacher and one aid, if needed, will accompany the group. Parent volunteers may also be needed. If we do not have enough volunteers, we may be forced to cancel the trip. 

Outside Exercise 

Each child in our care must have daily recreation time. Children will have 30 minutes of outside playtime each morning and afternoon. The time spent outside on significantly cold or hot days will be shortened accordingly, and/or the children will use the gym. Please send appropriate clothing every day. 


Child Abuse Policy 

We are required by state law to report any incidences of suspected child abuse or neglect. The safety of children is our top priority. If we suspect a child has been subject to abuse, we are required to report the suspected abuse to Child Protective Services and/or Law Enforcement. All staff has been properly trained in the best reporting practices. 

1. Adults in the building are to act as role models for the children. 

2. Adults must refrain from abusive language and violent outbursts.  

3. Children are to be treated with respect at all times. 

4. Lion Academy prohibits spanking and/or any physical punishment on the premises.

Grievance Policy 

Your children and their needs are the focus of our ministry. While we strive to do the utmost in meeting these needs, we ask you to notify us of any concerns following these guidelines: 1. Prayerfully and directly confront the person with whom you have concerns. Be specific and avoid emotional attacks. 

2. If the situation has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please get in touch with the Director. 

3. If you still feel that the problem has not been resolved, feel free to contact Mike Packer, the Lead Minister of Southeast Christian Church  

Each staff member is always available to talk to you. We will do everything to make sure any grievance is quickly resolved. The Director maintains an open-door policy and will be available to address any needs or concerns. 


Southeast Christian Church and its Child Care Center are very sensitive to the fact that information concerning you, your child, and your family is private and personal. We are committed to maintaining your privacy and protecting your personal information. We will not disclose information except as required by law or when there is a threat to the health and safety of the individuals and families we serve. Only authorized staff will have access to confidential information.  


Lion Academy reserves the right to refuse services or exit any child/family for any reason.  

Lion Academy is an equal-opportunity employer and school. We shall not discriminate on biases of religion, race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, political association, national origin, or veteran status. 

After you enroll your child please sign and return the signature portion on the following page with your enrollment packet. (See Print out)